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My Ultimate, Free Keto Cheat Sheet!

Welcome to Keto OS: The Basics! This is my super-comprehensive, complete keto cheat sheet. Are you ready?

So, What is Ketosis?

Think of the body as a hybrid car that can burn electricity or gasoline for fuel. Our bodies are designed to use two different fuel sources: it can burn sugar (glucose) or fat (ketones).

This is a natural adoption from long ago when humans would cycle through periods of abundant food and times of fasting with little food. The summer season would bring a bounty of food to our hunter gatherer ancestors and hence, they would put on body fat during this abundant time. Keep in mind, glucose is a key to fat storage.

Winter months would bring a much smaller supply of food requiring fasting and fat adaption. This required ketosis; the burning of fat for fuel.

Our bodies can only store a finite amount of glucose in liver and muscle tissues. Typically, this is about 2,000 calories. When you are a sugar burner, you need a constant source of fuel such as glucose that comes from carbs.

Our bodies are capable of storing large amounts of fat. For example, a 150 pound person with 10% body fat equates to over 60,000 calories of fat storage. This is what enabled our ancestors to endure long winters without starving. Today, we have an endless food supply constantly so most people never tap into their ketones, or n8tive fuel source.

Need a Jumpstart to get started on Keto? Click here!

The Keto OS Supplement

The “Ketone Operating System” and is a therapeutic ketone supplement. The supplement itself is comes in a powder form and is mixed with 8 ounces of water. Within 15-30 minutes, your body enters the state of ketosis that we are all striving to achieve.

Who is Keto OS for?

The Keto OS lifestyle and this keto cheat sheet is for anyone that is looking to improve their bodies, lives and performance. Whether you are looking to lose some excess fat, need to reduce bloat, or just want to feel more mentally focused and clear, the Keto OS lifestyle will guide you in that direction. There are a wide range of benefits that can come along with being in a ketogenic state.. trust me..  all you have to do is Google benefits of ketogenic diet bit and you’ll see a long list!

In the mean time… here’s  what to Expect with Keto OS

When taking Keto OS, all the benefits of the supplement are open to you. The effects of Keto OS happen with 15-30 minutes of taking the supplement. There are very few side effects of Keto OS. When you move to a ketogenic diet, the body is making some changes. This can lead to a slight diuretic effect. This is a short-term change that will adjust as your body gets used to the new diet and a higher water intake.

For those new to Keto OS, digestive distress can occur initially as the body is not used to the introduction of the ketones. The best way to avoid this is to work up to a full dose of the product. As you increase your fat intake in the diet, any digestive distress should subside in a short timeframe.

It is important to understand that Keto OS can provide you with benefits without ever changing your diet. The more you adopt the keto lifestyle, the more benefits you will see, but the supplement does provide you with benefits without any other lifestyle changes.

The n8tive Zone

For those that are interested in taking the ketogenic lifestyle a step further to gain the added benefits of Keto OS, there are many different options for you. First, it is important to understand the n8tive state and how ketones work in the body.

The n8tive Fuel Source

It has been found that our bodies thrive when living off of fat (ketones) for fuel. Our muscles will reject glucose in favor of ketones when ketone levels in the blood are high enough. Our brains thrive on ketones and your mental clarity, cognition, and memory skyrocket.

Ketosis is defined as a blood ketone level of 0.5 to approximately 6.0. A range below about 1.0 and we do not see the benefits of ketosis. Above a ketone range of about 3.0, we do not see any added benefits.

When it comes to ketones, a level at approximately 3.0 more is not better. However, by raising your ketones between 0.5 to 3.0, we see huge benefits.

8 Key Benefits of Ketosis

  1. Reduced hunger and cravings
  2. Surge in energy
  3. Improved moods
  4. Sharper mental clarity and focus
  5. Fat loss and improvement in body composition
  6. Autoimmune disease healing and prevention
  7. Skin improvements such as softer, more supple skin or elimination of rashes/eczema
  8. Lower inflammation which can improve chronic pain, lower heart disease risk, and cancer risks

Need a Jumpstart to get started on Keto? Click here!

Achieving the n8tive Zone

When it comes to developing a lifestyle that keeps your body in the n8tive zone, there are 8 steps to follow. These are a few steps that are going to dramatically improve your results when taking Keto OS.

  1. Take Keto OS with your first meal or before a workout

If you are practicing intermittent fasting, wait to take Keto OS until right before your first meal.  If needing an extra boost of energy before an intense workout, take Keto OS 60 minutes before the workout.

  1. Reduce your carbohydrate intake

You need to eliminate sugars in your diet as well as reduce your carbohydrate intake, especially all grains. Grains set off an inflammatory response in your body and reduce your level of ketones.

  1. Increase your fat intake

Fat is your source of fuel. Eat lots of healthy fats, but look for stable saturated fats. Avoid omega-6 all together and limit the intake of poly-unsaturated fats.  This means no vegetable oil, margarine, etc.  Rely on lots of coconut oil, butter, lard, beef tallow, etc.

  1. Reduce your caloric intake and begin intermittent fasting

Eat all of your food during the day in a 6-hour window of time and nothing outside of that timeframe.

  1. Drink more water

You need to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day. The more you drink, the better.

  1. Add salt and electrolytes to your diet

Your body releases much of the salt (and associated water) that it holds onto with higher carbohydrate diets so you need to add extra. This means you need to add salt to food, eat high potassium foods like avocado, coriander, parsley, almonds, spinach, Swiss cheese. These all have more potassium per gram than a banana without the added sugar.  Supplements are also a good option.

  1. Eat the last meal of the day at least 3 hours before bed, and get at least 8 hours of sleep

Eating too close to bedtime interferes with natural human growth hormone production in the body that occurs during sleep. This can stall weight loss.

  1. Move more!!

You will experience a surge in energy so use it in your workouts. If the gym is not for you, park on far side of parking lot, walk the dog, little movements add up over the day.

Need a Jumpstart to get started on Keto? Click here!

The Keto OS Life!!

In a natural state, our bodies take two to four weeks, or more, to turn on this switch from burning sugar to burning fat for fuel.  The switch only occurs when carbs are restricted to 30 grams per day or fewer for most people.

This is where Keto OS changes the game. By supplementing with exogenous ketones, we can make the switch happen faster and start using ketones for fuel within minutes. Talk about a keto cheat sheet, huh?

You will see ketone levels in the blood rise within 60 minutes of taking Keto OS.

For those that feel ready to adopt bigger changes in their lifestyles, there are some steps and guidelines that will help you to make those changes over time. You don’t want to shock your body or your lifestyle all at once so it is best to take time and make changes one step at a time.

Types of Ketones in the Body

There are three types of ketones in the body. Acetate, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutryate (BHB).

When you have excess carbohydrate intake, after your body’s muscle and liver storage is filled, your body takes the extra glucose from carbohydrates and stores them in fat cells, which is the function of insulin. Excess ketones on the other hand, cannot be store back into fat and are excreted through the urine or breath.

These ketones change over time as your state of ketosis changes and requires testing that can be done in a few different ways. There are benefits and downsides to each type of testing, as well.

Testing for Ketone Levels

  1. Urine test strips

If your body has been in ketosis for a while, you will see a reduction in acetoacetate. Muscles begin to use acetoacetate and turn it into Beta-Hydroxybutryate for fuel, so less is present in urine. Urine strips are only able to test for acetoacetate.

The benefit is that this is a cheap way to test.

The downsides are:

  • They are not very accurate in showing level of blood ketones
  • Typically, they are skewed results because of your level of hydration
  • They will decrease as the body is more keto-adapted as they only test acetoacetate
  1. Ketonix breath analyzer

Acetone is typically a ketone waste product that is present whenever ketones are present. However, this is a not direct correlation to blood ketones (BHB).

The benefits are:

  • There are no ongoing costs as it is about $100 for a device with not test strips required
  • This method allows for testing as many times a day as you like without added cost
  • Being very accurate at testing Acetone levels

The downsides include:

  • Not correlating well to blood ketones (BHB)
  • Alcohol consumption skewing the results
  • Drinking lots of water can effect results
  1. Blood test strips

These test strips test for beta- hydroxybutryate (BHB), which is what your body uses for fuel.

The benefits are:

  • This tests the ketone body (BHB) that your body uses
  • It’s the most accurate test of level of measurement for ketosis
  • Optimal range is one to five (two to five is great for fat loss)

Downsides include:

  • Test strips are very expensive at $2 or more per strip
  • Finger pricking for blood is needed

The Keto Cheat Sheet STEPS!

Step 1: Add Keto OS to Your Daily Routine

Just adding Keto OS to your diet while making no other changes to your lifestyle can provide benefits. There are both benefits and downsides to doing this without other changes in your lifestyle.

Benefits include:

  • Regulation and lowering of blood sugar
  • Reduce appetite by running more efficiently on fewer calories
  • Cognitive improvements that include focus and mental clarity
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Some fat loss due to a decreases in calories and increases in water and electrolytes
  • It’s all achievable with two servings per day or more of Keto OS to stay in ketosis

Without going any further into the Keto Life, you won’t see big weight loss right away. Your body still has to do something with glucose (carbohydrates) you are ingesting, so it gets stored as fat.

You won’t see autoimmune disease improvements and overall health improvements of a ketogenic lifestyle without more lifestyle adjustments.

Without eliminating sugars and grains, you won’t see big improvements in auto-immune and other inflammation related health issues.

It is not likely you will realize your body’s full potential regarding:

  • Large energy improvements
  • Mood, focus, memory improvements
  • Autoimmune disease healing
  • Skin health
  • Reduction in inflammation that leads to cancer, heart disease,
  • Alzheimer’s risk, etc.

For those that are ready for a bigger leap into the Keto Life to see more changes, it is time to adopt a n8tive way of life.

Step 2: Adopt the n8tive Way of Life

Once you have added Keto OS to your life, it is important to move towards the n8tive lifestyle. To begin, it is important to eliminate added sugar from foods and processed carbohydrates from your diet.


  • Do not take in more than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day
  • Increase your fat intake to account for 60% to 70% of your daily caloric intake. To calculate the number of calories are coming from fat, 1 gram of fat equals 9 calories.
  • Avoid foods with added sugars
  • Avoid starchy vegetables like root vegetables, potatoes, corn, etc.
  • Reduce your calorie intake

There are benefits and downsides to only going to this point as well.

The benefits of adopting the n8tive lifestyle are:

  • Blood sugar becomes regulated, even if your blood sugar is low
  • Noticeable reductions in appetite
  • Noticeable improvements in cognition, focus, and mental clarity
  • Large reduction in inflammation that leads to improvements in auto-immune and other inflammatory diseases like IBS or acid reflux
  • Steady fat loss week over week
  • It only requires one to two servings of Keto OS to stay in this state

By not moving forward, you will see big improvements in energy and moods, but won’t be realized until deep n8tive level of energy.

There are noticeable improvements, but it can be better!!

Your body will not stay in ketosis state on its own without getting further into the n8tive state and blood sugars levels and inflammation reduction will not be as strong as it will be later in the n8tive state. There will be fat loss but you may not be able to reach all of your goals.

Step 3: Join the Keto Life in a Completely n8tive State

In this phase, you will need less Keto OS to stay in a ketogenic state. You will move to half a dose in the morning and half a dose in the afternoon. You are still going to keep your carbohydrate levels under 30 grams.

A new component is to moderate your protein levels to keep it to 0.7 times your lean body mass. As an example, if you weigh 175 pounds with a body fat percentage of 25%, then your lean mass is equal to 175 pounds times 100 minus 25% (175*0.75). This equals 131. Take 131 times 0.7 to keep the protein level where it should be (131*0.7), equaling 91. This means that you should keep your protein to 91 grams per day.

One benefit of staying in the n8tive state includes increases in metabolism. If you are weight training, you will want to add 1 extra packet of Keto OS to your diet before an intense workout.

Another element is intermittent fasting. You want to be sure to eat all of your food in a 6 hour window during the day. Do not deviate and eat outside that window.

Need a Jumpstart to get started on Keto? Click here!

Example Day for the Average Person

Fast Period (Upon Waking):

Exercise in a fasted state, to increase your fat burning potential. Only take Keto OS before workout if you have a more intense workout.

30-60 minutes before first meal: 


  • Keto OS (1/2 to 1 dose)
  • Bifido Bacteria Probiotic
  • L-Glutamine (great for after workout to help with muscle repair)

Break Your Fast:

2 eggs cooked 2 tablespoons of oil or extra bacon fat with 2 strips of bacon


Vitamin K2

Vitamin D3 if your levels are low or seasonal in winter


Snack (if needed):

Keto Fudge (recipe)

End of Eating Window:

This is the last food before starting fast and it should be 6-9 hours after you broke your fast and at least 3 hours before bed

Paleo Chimichangas (recipe)

1 hour Before Bed:

Take 800mg of magnesium glycinate

Then, get at least 8 hours of restful sleep!!

Keto OS for the Average Person Vs. the Athlete!

When it comes to athletes, the demands are much different. You’ll want to stick to a stricter diet!

To fully engage in the ketogenic lifestyle, and truly improve your athletic performance level, take a good look at the different types of keto diets. When used alongside Keto OS, these will put your body in the best state possible!

Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD)

This diet provides you with the ability to lose stored fat while protecting lean muscle mass. One of the biggest problems with rapid weight loss in other diets is that you lose fat, but muscle as well. With the SKD, your body starts to convert the food you eat into ketones that is used as your body’s fuels source. You begin burning ketones over carbohydrates and sugar. This keeps the blood sugar levels stable in the body. Spikes in blood sugar are responsible for increased cravings, overeating, and low energy levels. By keeping the blood sugar stable, you are able to control your cravings and the portions you eat.

The key to the SKD is switching to a high fat, low carbohydrate, moderate protein balance in your diet.

SKD is not a diet that will make huge strides in muscle gain for athletes. It is designed to help shed excess fat. This diet is also not designed to “carb reload”. This can be hard for some to cut out carbohydrates completely so it is alright to add a high carb day once or twice per month if needed.

Other Supplements to Use

Fat can be hard to digest so there are some supplements to add in addition to Keto OS to help with your performance.

  • Protease S
  • Protease SP
  • Lactase
  • Lipase

Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD)

This diet works best for those athletes that engage in high-intensity workouts, like sprints, or those bodybuilders achieving aesthetics. This is because with high-intensity workouts, you need a carbohydrate based diet for fast burning before the workout or race. Some bodybuilders are not comfortable or able to switch to a completely low/no carbohydrate diet so this option may be better for those people. The TKD is great for performance maintenance and has proven to some lean muscle mass.


The carbohydrates in the TKD are used for a specific purpose in your life. You are going to want to introduce these carbohydrates at very specific times in relation to your performance, typically 30 minutes prior to a workout.

One of the best ways to do this is to combine branched chain amino acids (BCAA), protein, and liquid carbohydrates. This is going to get amino acids in the body quickly to help with muscle repair whereas eating protein may not be enough. A good rule of thumb for calculating the appropriate level of carbohydrates is 1.1 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight right after a workout.

You also want to be careful with how much fat you ingest immediately after a workout. It is best to wait about two hours before a keto-based meal.

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD)

This diet is for two different types of people: the finely tuned athlete and the average person who wants more carbohydrates in their diet. You must be very much in touch with your body and its needs. On the flip side, the average person that wants to be able to introduce carbohydrates on a weekly basis.

The idea behind the CKD is to fluctuate your glycogen levels to allow for the high carbohydrate impact. The benefit of the CKD is to keep you lean while allowing slow muscle gains – even large muscle gains over time.

For the Average Person

One day per week, you’ll want to add between 300 and 600 grams of carbohydrates to your diet. However, these need to be low on the glycemic index. These foods include:

  • Barley
  • Long grain, brown rice
  • Rolled oats
  • Lentils
  • Beans

For the Athlete

You might need to incorporate high carbohydrate days one or two times per week. These can be split between a very high day (600 grams) and a lower day (300 grams). You want to make sure these are slow burning carbohydrates and be focused around high-intensity or heavy lifting workout days.

While these single days of carbohydrate laden meals will technically take you out of ketosis, you are still in a ketogenic state the rest of the week so you still maintain that balance and the benefits of a ketogenic lifestyle.

You will still want to incorporate your Keto OS on these higher carbohydrate days.

Example Day for the Athlete

Fast Period (Upon Waking):

Mix together:

  • Glass of cold water
  • 5g L-Carnitine
  • 10g L-Glutamine
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Take 1 scoop of Keto OS

Take supplements:

  • Saw Palmetto
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Flaxseed Oil
  • Krill Oil with Xanthium
  • Milk Thistle

Exercise in fasted state for 1 to 1.5 hours.

30-60 minutes before first meal: 


  • Keto OS (1/2 to 1 dose)
  • Bifido Bacteria Probiotic
  • L-Glutamine (great for after workout to help with muscle repair)

Break Your Fast and Eating Window:

Meal 1:


  • 3 whole eggs, 3 yolks
  • 100g asparagus
  • 30g smoked salmon
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • All cooked in 25g coconut oil

Meal 2 and 3:

150g smoked salmon

1 half of an avocado

Squeeze of lemon

Peppermint tea

Meal 4:

200G grass-fed beef fried in coconut oil until browned

Add herbs and spices, salt & pepper

Dollop 1 large tablespoon of tomato paste

Peppermint or chamomile tea

End of Eating Window:

This is the last food before starting fast and it should be 6-9 hours after you broke your fast and at least 3 hours before bed

Few strawberries with 2 teaspoons of almond or peanut butter


  • Magnesium
  • Evening Primrose Oil

Get at least 8 hours of restful sleep.

Now that you’ve finished the guide, do you need a Jumpstart to get started on Keto? Click here!

Last…More Recipes, Yum!!

Keto Fudge (recipe)

Ingredients:1 cup coconut oil, soft yet still solid¼ cup full fat coconut milk¼ cup organic cocoa powder¼ c. Swerve confectioners (or a drop of stevia glycerite)1 tsp vanilla extract½ tsp almond extract½ tsp Celtic sea salt


  1. Place the coconut oil and coconut milk a medium sized bowl and mix with a hand mixer on high for 6 minutes or until well combined and glossy
  2. Place the remaining ingredients in the bowl and stir on low speed until the cocoa is combined.
  3. Increase speed and mix until everything is well combined then taste the fudge and adjust to desired sweetness
  4. Place a sheet of parchment or wax paper along the inside of a loaf pan
  5. Place the loaf pan in the freezer for at least 15 minutes, until just set
  6. Use the edges of the parchment to pull the fudge out of the pan
  7. Place on a cutting board and remove the parchment paper
  8. Use a sharp knife to cut the fudge into squares
  9. Store in an airtight container in the freezer


12 Servings172 calories

19.6g fat

0.4g protein

1.3g carbs

(97% fat, 0.9% protein, 2.1% carbs)

Paleo Chimichangas (recipe)

Ingredients:1 pound ground chorizo sausage¼ teaspoon fine ground sea saltDash ground cuminDash chili powder1 cup coconut oil, divided1 cup diced yellow onions16 large slices prosciutto (from the deli counter)1 cup shredded Monterey jack cheese (12 ounces)

For garnish:1 cup salsaSour creamFresh cilantro leaves


  1. Season chorizo with the salt, cumin, and chili powder
  2. Heat ½ tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium heat and cook the chorizo until done, about 5 minutes until cooked through and no longer pink
  3. Break it into pieces as you fry it then set it aside on a plate to cool
  4. Place the onion in the same skillet you used to cook the chorizo and cook, while stirring, for 4 to 5 minutes, until caramelized and very golden brown
  5. Remove the onion from the skillet and set aside
  6. Preheat the rest of the coconut oil in a deep cast iron skillet to 350°F
  7. To assemble, lay a slice of prosciutto on a plate
  8. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of the shredded cheese down the middle, followed by 1 tablespoon of cooked chorizo, then top the chorizo with 1 tablespoon of the caramelized onions
  9. Roll it up tightly and place it seam side down
  10. Repeat with the rest of the “tortillas”
  11. Test the oil temperature to make sure it is hot enough by placing the tip of a chimichanga in the oil. If it sizzles, it is ready; if it doesn’t heat for another minute to re-test
  12. Place chimichangas in the skillet 3 at a time
  13. Cook for 1-2 minutes on each side, until golden brown
  14. Remove from skillet with a slotted spoon
  15. Set on paper towel to drain
  16. Place on serving platter and serve with enchilada sauce, a dollop of sour cream, salsa and cilantro


Per 1 Chimichanga368 calories

31.3g fat

19.9g protein

2.1g carbs(76.5% fat, 21.3% protein, 2.2% carbs)


Andros, Pete. “Using the Keto Diet Effectively for Health & Performance.” THEMANCANCOOK. N.p., 29 Aug. 2015. Web. 17 Sept. 2015. <>.

Emmerich, Maria. “Intermittent Fasting.” Maria Mind Body Health. Maria Emmerich, 08 May 2014. Web. 17 Sept. 2015. <>.


Need a Jumpstart to get started on Keto? Click here!

During the REBOOT…What’s My Workout Plan?

On your Keto Reboot…you might be wondering if you need a different workout plan than usual.

Good question, and the answer is YES!

Resetting your metabolism, and letting fasting work its magic, is so fantastic on its own. But what about your workouts?

Well, I’ve made it as easy as possible for my tribe, with workout guides and video tutorials like these on my YouTube channel, where you can see the workout plan I follow while fasted!

When fasting, the key thing to remember about working out, if you want to maximize the effects of your fast  … you want to get into the zone that’s called glycogen depletion.  Get rid of all the stored sugar and fat!

As you’re fasting you already have less glycogen in your liver. So how do you get rid of the rest of it? Do some light workouts that exercise all your major muscle groups, because glycogen gets stored in your muscles too!

You want to break it out of there and burn it all up, so you can start burning fat instead! If you’ve worked with me before, you probably remember my “fridge” analogy:

Glycogen in your body, is like having food in the fridge, easy quick source of fuel to grab. But fasting allows us to “empty out the fridge” so we have to tap into the “reserves” in the “freezer” the fat stores.

We fast for health reasons and also use fat as fuel… and burn it! And we also work out while fasting, with glycogen depletion being our main goal.

So, what’s the workout plan?

Well, first of all, you don’t need to work out “too hard” while fasted, it’s more about warming up all the muscles, doing higher reps and lighter exercises, to really get the glycogen out of our liver and muscles.

In the fasted workout video I linked to above, I have some awesome reboot-modified cardio/strength/flexibility workout suggestions too!

So here’s the PLAN:

Work each major muscle group, about 3 – 4 rounds of 20 reps. See if you can complete a set in 30 seconds, then rest 30 seconds, rinse and repeat! Here’s a few TIPS to help you through:

  • Squats – make sure you’re pulling your knees outwards and that when you’re coming back up, you’re putting your weight on your heels. Also, be sure that your knees and your toes are parallel.

Let’s say you have bad knees and continuous squats aren’t something you can do, modify them by sitting on a chair, and as you stand up, squeeze your thighs and glutes. Just do as many of these as you can!

Okay, now that’s quads and hamstrings done, and plus squats speed up the muscle-building anabolic process.

That means you’re actually targeting your whole body when you do squats. Woo hoo!

  • Resistance bands – now we’re targeting your shoulders. Stand on the band with your feet together, and lift the band until your arms are straight out. Again, this is all about speed, and try to do as many of them as you can in 30 seconds! For your back, bands are one of the best way to really hone in on those lats and traps! Try some bent-over rows, where you bend at the waist, keeping back straight and hips back, and then pull the band up to your hips.

You can also do rows by wrapping your band around something. Or, lay on the ground on your back, with your head closest to the object you wrapped your band around. Now, put your arms up, grab those handles, and pull down!

Way to work your lats, shoulders, and arms!

  • Pushups – I know, I know! But, pushups are one of the simplest, most effective ways to build your chest. If you aren’t a fan, just think of how rewarding it will be to start off only being able to do modified pushups:
    • (How to do modified pushups: against a wall with your feet a few feet away from the wall, against a table or other incline with your elbows tucked in close)
    • (Or, the classic “knee” pushups!)

…to being able to modify your pushups to make them harder

    • (Keep your hands together on the ground and making a triangle symbol, instead of keeping them shoulder-width apart.)
    • (Or, explosive pushups, where you use your momentum to briefly lift your hands off the ground!!)

So now that you’ve got your back, chest, shoulders, hamstrings, quads, and glutes ALL covered, and especially because you’ll be in an anabolic state promoting muscle growth, glycogen should be quickly moving out of your muscles and forcing your body to burn fat for fuel!

Want more info on getting your body into the fat-burning state? CLICK HERE!  

I wish you the best of luck warming up all your major muscle groups.

That type of workout plan is the absolute best way to maximize the effects of the Reboot!

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